Wednesday, June 6, 2012

FLUX Magazine

So the latest issue of FLUX Magazine is out. It's the "Men's Issue." I collaborated with my brother, by doing digital illustrations on top of his fashion photos. On the "Contributor" page they had to cut one of my answers short in order to make it fit, so I've included the full version below :)


Men are …
task-oriented as boys, and purpose driven as men.

Men are not …
as rough as they seem.

Name a male figure that you have the most respect for (explain):

The Lord is my Shepard. My father is a Sheepdog. And my brother is my best friend. But the thing I respect the most in this world, is Chris Costa's beard. It's a kevlar brush of tactical over penetration, a deep black maelstrom of Mandingo proportions. Every time God kills a kitten, Chris Costa's beard grows a hair.

What was the most important lesson your father/grandfather/brother/best guy friend/or other/ has taught you?

So, last week at Church, a very elderly lady hit the back of my parked car. I was sitting in the driver's seat when I felt the impact. As I stepped out I was already bananas because I had just replaced the bumper on my G35 a week ago, and filled with indignation when she said she didn't think she hit me, because she didn't feel it. I was so mad! But at the same time I felt horribly douchey for being angry at a woman so old her spine looked like a question mark. She was nervous and bewildered. I was mad, and conflicted. I felt like calling the insurance company would be like prying her social security check from her cold nearly-dead hands. I just couldn't do it. There's a special place in Hell reserved for people who grief old ladies. I called my Dad to ask him what I should do. He taught me an important life lesson, he said, "Always be the first to apologize. In any relationship, especially in marriage, always apologize first, even if it's not your fault. Your apology will disarm the other person, and shields will be lowered. Be fearless in your effort to resolve an issue in a tactful and caring way." So next Sunday I'm going to find her at Church, so I can apologize for "over reacting" and give her my number in case she ever needs someone to move her furniture, clean her gutters, or pull her weeds.

Please provide a brief summary of your credits:

Jessica is a Fine Artist and Illustrator currently working in the video games industry as a Senior Texture Artist at Sledgehammer Games, an Activision Studio. She most recently shipped Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

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